Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Busy Beeeee....

Sorry folks for not updating with the pix yet. First, we didn't take that long a leave. We took extra 3 days to rest after the Wedding Day and we're off to work non stop. Also I was in the midst of closing my mag and my vegetarian sidekick had to beat me at my own honeymoon by going to a 3 week vacation to Tokyo. Sux... on my part! No... I haven't gone for my bulan madu yet *pout*. Worse got back to work to get tortured by deadlines and late nights. Was thinking to take some leave after I close (last Friday), but then my soul had been snatched by my AD to work another week of late nights... Super Sux... and nevermind, my remainder sidekick had requested to take this week off (after when she heard AD wanted us to work late), so she could help her sis to sell pork. Well anyway, it's Wednesday already and I had submit my leave quickly for next Weds, Thurs and Fri off.

Am already maybe 20% to sorting out our wedding pix. I will bump the Pre Wedding dinner pix post to a later date to fit into my picture timeline.

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